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【100%英語環境の新コース誕生!】インターナショナルスクール進学希望者向け「Aoba Bridge Program」

(English follows)
インターナショナルスクール進学希望者向け「Aoba Bridge Program(ABP)」オープン!

アオバジャパン・バイリンガルプリスクールは、卒業後も国際教育の継続を希望する子どもたちやご家庭のニーズに応え、100%英語の環境で保育・教育を行うインターナショナルプリスクールコース「Aoba Bridge Program(ABP)」を新設いたしました。

聞く・話すに加え、読む・書くを含む4技能の強化を行い、思考力(Creative Thinking)、表現力(Self Expression)、社会性や情緒の豊かさ(Social Skills & Emotional Development)など様々な領域において、グローバル社会で活躍するための力を身につけます。



 取り扱いプログラムが異なる2つのコース --------------------------------------------------

■Aoba Bridge Program(ABP)-Nakano Campus-



■Musashi International Course(MIC)-Mitaka Campus-

イギリスの義務教育就学前児童のための教育基準であるEarly Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)を採用。プレイベースとアカデミックを組み合わせた100%英語でのプリスクールカリキュラム。


Aoba Bridge Programの詳細はこちら



Aoba Bridge Program (ABP) has been newly established for students who wish to continue their education at an international school.

Aoba-Japan Bilingual Preschool has established the Aoba Bridge Program, an international preschool course that provides care and education in a 100% English environment, in response to the needs of families and children who wish to continue their international education after graduating from preschool.

In addition to listening and speaking, children will strengthen their four skills, including reading and writing, in a variety of areas such as Creative Thinking, Self-expression, Social Skills, and Emotional Development. Students will acquire the skills to play an active role in global society.

*School year of 2023, the program is introduced only at Nakano and Mitaka Campus.

 Two options with different programs --------------------------------------------------------------------

■Aoba Bridge Program (ABP) -Nakano campus-

The ABP is based on an International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP).
Through inquiry-based learning in a 100% English environment and education for the whole person, students will gain a deeper understanding of the PYP and cultivate the ability to live on the world stage.


■Musashi International Course (MIC) -Mitaka campus-

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the British educational standard for pre-school children, is adopted. 100% English language preschool curriculum combining play-based and academic curriculum.
Cambridge International accreditation for the course, which prepares students to enter the MIST Elementary School, a group school.


Click here for details of the Aoba Bridge Program